The Course

¿Quieres llevar tus habilidades en finanzas al siguiente nivel? Hazlo posible entendiendo cómo los ratios financieros y los dashboards pueden ser tus mejores aliados en la toma de decisiones de negocios. Este curso está diseñado para guiarte a través del proceso de creación y análisis de múltiples plantillas de dashboard financieros avanzados. Explorarás ratios clave como liquidez, solvencia, rentabilidad y rotación, entendiendo no solo cómo calcularlos sino también cómo interpretarlos y aplicarlos para evaluar el rendimiento de una empresa. Más allá de los números, aprenderás técnicas para visualizar datos financieros de forma efectiva, permitiéndote comunicar la historia detrás de los números y realizar proyecciones adecuadas.

Al sumergirte en este tema, no solo incrementarás tu destreza con las herramientas de modelado financiero, sino que también desarrollarás una perspectiva crítica para evaluar la salud financiera de cualquier negocio. La capacidad de combinar análisis financieros con visualizaciones atractivas te colocará varios pasos adelante en cualquier entorno profesional. Aplica lo aprendido para construir dashboards personalizados que destaquen en presentaciones o informes, y toma decisiones de negocio basadas en datos, fundamentales para estrategias de crecimiento, inversiones y gestión de riesgos. Este curso es perfecto para aquel que busca transformar los datos en decisiones estratégicas y mejorar su impacto en el mundo de los negocios hoy.

What you will learn

When I first put this course together, my aim was to build a bridge for beginners to cross into the world of financial analysis with confidence. I devoted hours to creating high-quality content that's digestible and engaging, regardless of your starting level. Every module has been meticulously structured to guide you through the complexities of financial ratios and dashboards in a way that feels intuitive, ensuring you're never overwhelmed. Imagine having a neatly organized toolbox at your disposal – that's what this course is like. The multi-template approach I've incorporated is designed to be incredibly helpful, allowing you to see the real-world application of theoretical knowledge. By the end of this journey, you'll not only master the essentials but also be able to craft bespoke financial dashboards that can inform and impress. This isn't just about learning; it's about doing, and I guarantee you'll be doing finance like a pro much sooner than you think!


  Ratios y Dashboard Financiero | Multiplantilla Avanzada
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Your instructor

ADN LEAN BUSINESS SCHOOL E.I.R.L brings a rich background in financial analysis and business performance management to the educational forefront. With a deep understanding of key financial indicators and strategic data visualization techniques, the school has established itself as a beacon of insight in the realm of financial education. This experience has been meticulously channeled into the design and execution of the course "Ratios y Dashboard Financiero | Multiplantilla Avanzada," ensuring that it stands not just as a set of lessons, but as a transformational experience for professionals seeking to master financial reporting and analysis.

As an educator within ADN LEAN BUSINESS SCHOOL E.I.R.L, my passion for empowering students is twinned with a commitment to bridging theory and practice. Recognizing the power of comprehensive financial dashboards in making informed business decisions, I am dedicated to sharing advanced techniques and tools that enable course participants to craft their narrative through numbers. The dynamic amalgamation of theory, hands-on practice, and real-world applications throughout the course mirrors my enthusiasm for fostering a learning environment where students can thrive and excel in their professional journeys.


Domina la facilidad de uso en Ratios y Dashboards


Aprende a conectar todos los elementos financieros eficazmente


Descubre técnicas modernas para visualizaciones financieras impactantes